Infrared therapy in the Sussex Weald

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Infrared lamps for sports injuries

Non-invasive gentle healing

A key aspect of infrared therapy is that it is non-invasive. The therapist is able to penetrate deep into tissues of the body, and the light not only encourages healing but reduces pain. The benefits in terms of improved blood circulation and the reduction of inflammation are obvious. The treatment will also relax you.

Infrared radiation is of a longer wave length than visible light. It can penetrate the skin and get deep into tissue, so being absorbed by cells. The resulting reactions in the body include production of the right kind of heat, a release of nitric oxide and often an activation of beneficial enzymes.

Improved oxygenation

Your therapist at Himalaya Therapy Spa will, in a controlled manner, increase temperature within your limbs and torso. As tissue warms, your blood flow will increase, and oxygenation will improve. As circulation is encouraged, there will be better delivery of nutrients and oxygen to your cells which usually leads to a reduction in inflammation and general healing. It has been proven that the projection of collagen is improved during a course of infrared therapy. Collagen is known to help with skin elasticity.

People in the sports world know that infrared therapy can reduce muscle stiffness and speed up recovery from injury. The light also improves immunity against pathogens and will always relax the patient. Arthritis, fibromyalgia and many conditions involving chronic pain have been shown to improve under a course of infrared therapy.

Calorie-burning and detoxification

Your spa masseuse may well be able to help you burn extra calories and generally detoxify your body and improve cardiovascular performance through careful application of infrared light, always taking account of contra indications that you might tell us about. Release of endorphins (the body’s natural pain relievers) is a real plus with infrared therapy.

Although infrared therapy is almost always safe, it should not be used when a woman is pregnant or when people have known significant heart conditions. The spa suggests that initially you have infrared therapy on a weekly basis but you may benefit from more frequent sessions.

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