Tale of opposites
A full body massage is in fact tale of opposites because while the massage put you into a state of relaxation, the body enters an active mode while the nervous system is being stimulated. Muscles organs, glands, lymph fluid and blood movement are all activated. Many cells are produced while chemicals and hormones are either moved or released.
A major benefit of massage is the appearance of fresh skin cells as the friction of the masseuse’s hands against the body using a massage lotion results in exfoliation. A good full body massage will result in production of feel-good hormones like endorphins, and at the same time, reduction of stress hormones such as corticosteroids (LDL).
Sleep improvement
A more natural cycle of sleeping and waking can be a result of the right kind of massage. Immune cells can be activated and blood sugar can be regulated for the good; even factors such as appetite control can become easier.
When you are thinking about musculoskeletal aspects of your body, you should picture your muscles as sponges which contract and expand, with blood and lymph fluid being squeezed out. Relaxation is characterised by fresh blood entering and bringing in new levels of nutrition, oxygen and immune cells.
A good massage therapist encourages you to stretch, and improves your range of stretching and motion which in turn mobilises joints in a controlled way, applying tension to muscles, ligaments and tendons. These then gain in strength and elasticity.

Lymphatic detox
Massage from a skilled therapist will act as a lymphatic detox. This detox will balance fluid levels and the function of your immune system. There are parallel relationships between lymphatic vessels and blood vessels all around your musculoskeletal system including areas such as neck, armpits, and groin.
And effective massage will see the masseuse succeed in making blood flush through muscle and tissue. The process also drains the lymphatic system, such that the lymph nodes succeed in filtering out dead cells and pathogens as well as toxins. A poor or slow flow of lymph can result in retention of fluid; if draining of the lymphatic system can help reduce edema across significant parts of the body.
When people think about how a full body massage works, they seldom take into account the fact that bones (just like muscles and tissue) have a blood supply. And bones are stimulated by massage in the same way that muscles are activated. Improved blood flow increases levels of calcium and other minerals in your bones. This can support bone strength and improve they way that bones function within the limbs. It’s therefore a given that the skeleton gets a major overhaul from a full body massage.
Cardiac advantages
There are cardiac advantages that can be gained from comprehensive massage. Activation of the nervous system’s mode of “rest and digest” can regulate blood pressure and optimise the heart rate.
The way that the body processes food and nutrients can also be improved by a full body massage, simply through the massage reducing stress. A massage can produce chemicals like gastric juice and insulin in the right amounts and move food effectively through your intestines. There are options within classical massage that include stimulation of the abdominal muscles which are directly related to the large intestine, and which therefore have a beneficial effect on the last stages of digestion. Massage can ensure that food has a smooth passage through the digestive system, gallbladder, pancreas and intestines so that nutrients are absorbed and can make a contribution to overall well-being.
Talk to your masseuse about your breathing patterns. A good masseuse will encourage you to take a deep breath at the start of a massage session. Breathing in an unrestricted way ensures that the diaphragm, as well as muscles in the ribs, chest and even the neck, all assist in effective respiration.